Sunday, May 22, 2011


I truly and desperately want to be that couple. 
The one who is genuinely happy to be together;
the couple that, even though they have difficulty communicating, are constantly finding solutions. 

I want to be that couple who upload and "@tag" their significant other in lousy twitter picture.
the couple who can spend at least one night a week together. 
I want to be that couple who is constantly smiling and happy to be around each other.

I want to be the girlfriend who doesn't always feel like she's in the wrong.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dangerously low.

Why can't I be as thin as everyone else.
I want to deactivate all other forms of social networking because I'm constantly reminded of what I'll never be.

I would be willing to wager, 
a fair share of my dime..
to the prospect that nothing will ever be okay.
To the idea that he'll never love me;
because I'm hideous; 
senile and twisted.
because I'm simply to far gone; 
too much of a lost cause.
Because he's already expressed,
much like everyone else; 
that he's annoyed by the thought of me.
And to be honest, I hate the thought of me too.