Statement; Correct. [At least in my mind; feel free to argue.]
Nothing in life is permanent, especially not materialistic things.
Today's favourite 'feel good' outfit; tomorrow's out of style trash. [Not permanent.]
Your chosen career path which brings about wealth and happiness; Retirement. [Not permanent.]
Your family and friends whom you love dearly; Distance and Death. [Not permanent.]
Your home which you've worked so hard to create and establish; Natural Disaster, Repossession, Moving, Divorce... [Not permanent.]
Do you see what I'm getting at? Nothing in this world last forever other than the memories of the times you've created and the people who have become have taken the center stage and accepted their secondary roles in your life. The laughs, the tears, hopes and fears. The loved, the lost, and the unexpected; every significant event is recorded in our mind and available for play back at any given moment. [Permanent.]
Not everything, nor everyone has a fairy tale ending. Not everyone will grow up to marry their highschool sweet heart, have two fantastic children, with the career they've always dreamed of. Some people will have nothing, as hard as that is to say, except their memories. No significant other, not children, no dream job; perhaps their working to meet ends meat, maybe they're not working at all.
Life becomes to hard to handle, and we don't know how to react. Sit back, relax, and press play in your mind. Remember the good times, the bad, and the lessons you've learned along the way. Remember the bruises you've collected and the scars that will continue to prove as a form of education; a push in the right direction. Reconnect with your childhood, laugh at the awkwardness adolescents brought, savour young adult hood, and relish every moment you've had alive on this earth as it has shaped you into the person you are today.
No matter what happens; you always have the ability to change your life for the better. Fix things, make them suited to your life style. Don't give up; think to the past and allow it to positively influence your future.
When life throws you lemons, don't make lemonade; throw them back and insist on orange juice.
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