Tuesday, April 26, 2011

trade this life for something new.

"You look so much better now!"
"Wow, she looks bomb!"
"You look fantastic now!"
"She lost so much weight, she looks great now!"
"He must be really happy now, huh?"

What was wrong with me before?
I never was, and never will be perfect.

So I'll just lose more.
and never be the same again.
and maybe then people will love me.

and writing all of this, its magnificent..
like the blood forming on a new wound, I can't stop: it just continues to spill out.

I truly and utterly cannot stand anything about myself.
its all fake.
from the smiles to the clothing.
and I hate how everyone implies the word "now"
it's only further proving my idea that I wasn't good enough before.

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